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The Nourish Blog
Wisdom, expertise and honest stories from real mums who get it.
Helping mums navigate the emotions and struggles of motherhood and find more connection, compassion & calm.

Penny Wincer
4 min read
Carers need self care too
All mothers need to look after themselves and it can be challenging at the best of times. But when you are both a mother and an unpaid...

Sophie Burch, Perinatal Therapist
1 min read
A Trip to the Beach - Your 5 Minute Visual Escape
Join Sophie for this wonderful guided visualisation to a beautiful beach. A chance to let go of the day and immerse yourself in calming...

Catherine Hendy
5 min read
A Guide to Secondary Infertility - What it is and how to manage it
Many people have never heard the term "secondary infertility" but it affects an estimated 10% of all couples, and can be emotionally...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
1 min read
3 Practices to Boost Confidence
If living in lockdown has dented your self-confidence, you are in excellent company. Living in our own little bubble, life has contracted...

Sophie Burch, Perinatal Therapist
1 min read
Happy Place - Your 5 Minute Visual Escape
Join Sophie for this uplifting guided visualisation to a place that is special to you. Be transported to a place that you maybe knew when...

Emma Jane Unsworth
6 min read
Extract from After the Storm: Post-Natal Depression and the Utter Weirdness of New Motherhood
Photo Credit:Thomas S.G. Farnetti/Wellcome Collection People say that with postnatal depression you feel numb, nothing, towards the baby....

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
1 min read
Why rest is vital & 3 quick practices
Join Suzy as she explains to us why rest is vital for Mums and gives 3 practices that we can all do. We discover how rest is central to...

Olivia Bath
3 min read
Create your own wind down ritual to reduce stress and get better sleep
A wind down ritual is really important for any woman - whether you’re a working parent, stay at home Mum or a professional woman -...

Sophie Burch, Perinatal Therapist
1 min read
A Beautiful Woodland Visual Escape
The power and energy we get from being in a woodland is tremendous. Join Sophie for this gentle guided visualisation of a beautiful...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
10 min read
Nature tonic: an accessible way to nourish ourselves and our children
One of the lessons to come from living through the global pandemic has been a greater appreciation of the therapeutic power of Nature,...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
7 min read
The Impact of Covid on mothers and how Nourish can help
At the best of times, the transition to motherhood is a vulnerable chapter, but during a global pandemic those challenges are...

Rebecca Oxtoby
4 min read
Bex’s maternity-leave diary and her response, one year later...
Hi, I’m Bex. I know guest blogs don’t typically start with a self-introduction, but I’d feel as though I threw you right in if I didn’t...

Emma Amoscato
4 min read
Parenting a child with allergies: how to manage your anxiety
As I watched my son totter around the playgroup, I couldn't pay attention to what the other mums were saying as my eyes were scanning the...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
1 min read
3 Ways to Find Your Mojo
If you’re feeling flat as a tack, you’re not alone. We are still experiencing a chapter of extended squeeze, in addition to the normal...

Rebecca Fredericks
6 min read
The ‘All or Something’ Mum Mindset
As a personal trainer and life coach specialising in working with mums, ‘mindset’ is a topic that comes up a lot! A mindset is basically...

Dot Zacharias, Sleep & Yoga Nidra Coach
1 min read
Shift that 'tired but wired' feeling in just a few minutes
Do you often feel 'tired, but wired'? That feeling of being exhausted, but we just can't stop moving. When we're hyper alert trying to...

Chloe Bedford
3 min read
How to support a worried child when you feel anxious too
These are anxious times, for us and for them. Anxieties that perhaps you thought were long gone have raised their head over the last 12...

Jade Scott, MyTamarin
4 min read
How to stay sane when working from home as a parent
Whilst most of us are used to juggling multiple things at once, the past year has seen this become an even bigger task with parents...

Three ways to reframe your insecurities as a mother
In a world where picture perfect families are what we are told we should aspire to; day to day motherhood is far from picture perfect. It...

Sophie Burch, Perinatal Therapist
1 min read
5 Minute Escape - Mountain Stream Visualisation
It can be so soothing and reassuring to take ourselves to our happy place, especially when things are feeling tough. Have a watch of...
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