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The Nourish Blog
Wisdom, expertise and honest stories from real mums who get it.
Helping mums navigate the emotions and struggles of motherhood and find more connection, compassion & calm.

Nicky Lowe
4 min read
The Uncomfortable Truth About The Gender Wellbeing Gap
You're probably aware of the Gender Pay Gap. But are you familiar with the Gender Wellbeing Gap? The statistics on the Gender Wellbeing...

Nicki Young
4 min read
Why “Work-life Balance” isn’t the Holy Grail we seem to think it is…
What is Balance Anyway? For as long as I can remember, we working mums have been trying to achieve the “Holy Grail” of work-life balance....

Nicky Lowe
7 min read
Should I stay or should I go? 7 self-coaching questions to help you navigate work vs motherhood.
When stepping back fails. A year after having my first child I returned to work and just a few months later I found myself in my doctor’s...

Lucy Orton
4 min read
Confidence Boosts For An Autumnal Return To Work
For many mums, September still glistens with that ‘new page of the jotter’ feeling that we had when WE were at school. Only now, we send...

Alice Darbyshire
5 min read
Three ways to boost your confidence as you return to work
Confidence is the most consistent theme in my coaching work and for mums returning to work, it strikes a particularly resonant chord. It...

Jade Scott, MyTamarin
4 min read
How to stay sane when working from home as a parent
Whilst most of us are used to juggling multiple things at once, the past year has seen this become an even bigger task with parents...
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