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The Nourish Blog
Wisdom, expertise and honest stories from real mums who get it.
Helping mums navigate the emotions and struggles of motherhood and find more connection, compassion & calm.

Suzy Mizrahi, Development Psychologist
4 min read
How to create a more playful family home
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing" - George Bernard SHAW Do you believe in magic? One of...

Four tips for leak-free running
We tend to blame a lack of pelvic floor strength for the leaks when we run or jump or sneeze. Those “oops moments” have been normalised...

Silke Thistlewood
6 min read
Loving kindness phrases and soothing touch for mums
We all have a tendency to be really harsh to ourselves in the way that we talk to ourselves and this is often amplified in motherhood. ...

Dot Zacharias, Sleep & Yoga Nidra Coach
1 min read
Tips for Restful Sleep with Dot Zacharias, Sleep Coach and iRest Yoga Nidra
Tips for Restful Sleep for Mums with Dot Zacharias, Sleep Coach and iRest Yoga Nidra teacher

Sara Campin, Founder of Nourish
3 min read
Nourish partners with Locum’s Nest to provide free wellbeing support to parent critical workers
Critical workers and parents are typically identified as groups who have been the hardest impacted in terms of mental health by the...

Liane Katz
4 min read
Motherhood and the art of marathon running
It’s taken me 12 and a half years of motherhood to realise: it’s a marathon and not a sprint. Before my eldest was born, my NCT teacher...

Mandy Rees
4 min read
Why we all need a mother's circle and how to create yours
Navigating our way through motherhood is far more difficult than we're ever led to believe. It’s a tough job and one we're unlikely to be...

Emily Mills
4 min read
How to let go of the mother you thought you were going to be
When I was 25, I thought my life was pretty much mapped out. I would get married, have a couple of kids and that was how life was going...

Sophie Burch, Perinatal Therapist
1 min read
5 minutes escape into loving arms
Every day brings us a step closer to that opportunity to wrap our arms around our loved ones. But the wait can sometimes feel so...

Michaela Thomas, Clinical Psychologist
6 min read
How your threat, drive and soothing systems serve you to deepen your connection with your partner
Understanding emotions is one of the most common questions I get from couples who are caught up in arguing or fighting, or simply stuck....

Dot Zacharias, Sleep & Yoga Nidra Coach
3 min read
How to rekindle self-love for greater confidence
How can we nurture self-esteem, self-compassion and self-love as busy mums? It’s so easy to lose sight of who we are among the nappies,...

Nehanda Truscott-Reid
3 min read
Coming home to our wombs, an invitation to root into our inner wisdom
The womb is our Root. It is the seat of our creativity and power. It is the portal through which life and creativity flows and it is a...

Alice Darbyshire
4 min read
Three ways for working mums to create calm in the chaos
Being a working mum has never been more challenging than it is right now. As I’m writing, we’re in the midst of another national lockdown...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
4 min read
How to keep on keeping on: 5 tips to boost lockdown stamina
If the grind of lockdown life is wearing your down, you’re not alone. Read on for practical tips to help you mine your grit and grace....

Dr Kalanit Ben-Ari
4 min read
Five proven ways for couples to nurture each other’s wellbeing as parents
Having and raising a child is a unique journey that is filled with excitement, joy and special moments. But having a little one who is...

Dr. Nneka Ikeogu
5 min read
Connecting with your child: a parenting superpower and how to prioritise it in 2021
What a year 2020 was. None of us saw it coming (anyone else think there was an unprecedented use of the word unprecedented?!) and most,...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
1 min read
Create Your Happiness Treasure Chest
Create your own happiness treasure chest to remember all the different things that spark joy in our lives. It’s a lovely mood boosting...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
5 min read
How to turn positive changes into lasting habits
As we embark on a fresh new year we often get swept up in the impulse to create big change… but how often do these habits stick? If...

Sara Campin, Founder of Nourish
5 min read
How to recharge & reboot this Christmas
I'm pretty sure I’m not the only one who could really do with a week in a spa. Or an injection of sleep and energy. To be honest I would...

Dot Zacharias, Sleep & Yoga Nidra Coach
5 min read
4-step sleep recovery plan for exhausted parents
Sleeping difficulties and insomnia postnatally and throughout parenthood are very common. We go through such a huge life change:...
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