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The Nourish Blog
Wisdom, expertise and honest stories from real mums who get it.
Helping mums navigate the emotions and struggles of motherhood and find more connection, compassion & calm.

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
7 min read
The Impact of Covid on mothers and how Nourish can help
At the best of times, the transition to motherhood is a vulnerable chapter, but during a global pandemic those challenges are...

Rebecca Oxtoby
4 min read
Bex’s maternity-leave diary and her response, one year later...
Hi, I’m Bex. I know guest blogs don’t typically start with a self-introduction, but I’d feel as though I threw you right in if I didn’t...

Suzy Mizrahi, Development Psychologist
4 min read
How to create a more playful family home
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing" - George Bernard SHAW Do you believe in magic? One of...

Emily Mills
4 min read
How to let go of the mother you thought you were going to be
When I was 25, I thought my life was pretty much mapped out. I would get married, have a couple of kids and that was how life was going...

Michaela Thomas, Clinical Psychologist
6 min read
How your threat, drive and soothing systems serve you to deepen your connection with your partner
Understanding emotions is one of the most common questions I get from couples who are caught up in arguing or fighting, or simply stuck....

Alice Darbyshire
4 min read
Three ways for working mums to create calm in the chaos
Being a working mum has never been more challenging than it is right now. As I’m writing, we’re in the midst of another national lockdown...

Dr Kalanit Ben-Ari
4 min read
Five proven ways for couples to nurture each other’s wellbeing as parents
Having and raising a child is a unique journey that is filled with excitement, joy and special moments. But having a little one who is...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
1 min read
Create Your Happiness Treasure Chest
Create your own happiness treasure chest to remember all the different things that spark joy in our lives. It’s a lovely mood boosting...

Dr. Katie Denman, Clinical Psychologist
5 min read
Balancing the parenting brain and how to avoid “blocked care”
Meeting our babies’ physical and emotional needs on a 24/7 basis is important for raising a secure and emotionally healthy child, but it...

Jo Kaye, MBSR Mindfulness Coach
5 min read
5 tips for managing stress more mindfully, even as a busy parent
Are you feeling the squeeze right now? Things may feel particularly challenging given the current situation, but even in normal times,...

Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
5 min read
7 Simple Strategies to Combat Overwhelm
Have you noticed the overwhelm rising? Check out these 7 simple strategies to combat the overwhelm and support yourself during this time.

Dr Rebecca Moore, Perinatal Psychiatrist
2 min read
Seasonal Affective Disorder
On a sunny bright day, it’s easy to walk around and adore autumn. But for me, I know winter is coming and like a fifth of the population...

Juggling Hot Potatoes
Have you been juggling a lot of hot potatoes recently? And I don’t mean just around the bonfire! I read a LOT of parenting books and...

Sara Campin, Founder of Nourish
6 min read
Our Founder's Story
The Nourish app was created by Sara Campin after her own struggles with mental health and wellbeing during motherhood. For a long time...
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